videography services

life is a movie,

and we all deserve to be the main characters of our story.

Showcase your story with a video documenting your biggest (or littlest!) events with a trained videographer with years of experience behind the camera.


for any videography service includes (at minimum,) a 30-minute in-person or virtual consultation to discuss goals, location, timeframe, and more. Video products are delivered in a .mp4 file via Google Drive and are available for 60 days via Google Drive unless stated otherwise.

Other events

Birthday party? Album release party? Family reunion? Relive the memories by bringing me in!

Services start at $500.00.


Are you a religious institution wanting to capture one of your ceremonies or of your community attending a service?

More details available soon.


Get your special day recorded on video so you can watch your Love Story again and again and again.

Services start at $1,000.00.


Need a video to advertise your new location of your brick-and-mortar store? Want to generate excitement for an event you’re hosting? Let me step in and help!

Services start at $400.00.

Updated demo reel coming soon!